Anyone know anything about new VPI Classic 3 arm?

Was checking something out on the VPI web site and noticed that the Classic 3 uni-pivot arm looks different. The tone arm tube looks like it's made of black plastic. Does anyone know anything about this apparent mod? Springreen ... you there?? You know anything about this change?
The Classic Signature is the same as the older Classic 3 with the following changes: 1) Stainless Steel arm tube with a black shrink wrap for damping 2) New Discovery wire.

Depending on when you bought your older Classic 3 armwand, it may already incorporate a lot of the "Signature" changes.

The older Classic 1 and 2 armwand has been "simplified". The arm tube is a one piece through the bearing and is of a different design than the Signature.
Brf, my Classic 3 wand is 100% stainless steel. The wire is silver Nordost, which is fine by me. I wonder if the black shrink wrap makes much of a difference? Brf, any changes in the Classic 3 tone arm base?
I am not aware of any changes to the vta base. It sounds like you have a later production Classic 3 armwand which has all the updates with the exception of the shrink wrap over the arm tube. It's not so much what the Signature has over the former Classic 3, but more to do with the take always to develop the new lower end "Classic" arm.

If you want to experiment with armtube damping, you can always wrap the armtube with a friction fitting vinyl wrap similar to electrical tape (w/o the adhesive).
Thanks Brf. Not sure I want to really fiddle with the arm. I just got my Lyra Kleos back and I spent a little time setting it up. It's working real nice. As the adage goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."