I've never heard/seen the Sanyo, but at a minimum it should maintain constant and accurate speed better than a 40yo Garrard 40 Mkii that's been sitting idle. The rubber drive wheel in the Garrard will almost certainly have developed flat spots and/or be dried out and brittle.
Can't say more because I know nothing of the Sanyo's other qualities, except that it's unlikely to be as much fun (or fuss) as three 19 month olds!!!
Once you have a table running there are various tweaks you can try for virtually no money. Vibration absorbing materials in/around the plinth, different headshells and headshell weights, DIY footers or a wall shelf. Etc. One of the fun things about vinyl is the ability to tailor the sound in different directions. Its educational to try stuff. You learn even if you dislike the result, and many tweaks cost next to nothing.
Have fun (and try to get some sleep, lol).