Better when it rains?

I am noticing my tube system sounds especially wonderful when it is raining outside. Is this my imagination??
Well...i live a stones throw from the pacific coast and it has been raining steadily for 3 days now. So your theories would make sense. Pineapple express has swept in so it is also unusually humid as well. Bill Callahan's Dream River never sounded so good!!
It really is about the humidity in the air surrounding the equipment. Best is to always have it at about 45%, anything below or above that is not optimal for listening and conditioning your equipment environment.
I must say that here in Montreal the sound improve greatly because of the dampening of the snow outside you could really hear the difference almost like a line conditioner. So i like to listen to my system while there is a huge snow fall outsideĀ…..
I suspect most folks would actually find the sound considerable better when a high pressure system (sunny and clear) is present and considerably worse when a low pressure system (stormy) is present. Depending on time of day, of course. :-)