Jolida JD9: I think I over-bought. Alternatives?

In my infinite quest of attaining gear that punches above it's weight class.... I landed a used JD9 to try it out and I'm frustrated. The AT120ET cart is too high of output to use the high outputs (even with 12au7 tubes). I ended up using the low outputs. While it still sounds good, I can't help but think that I'm not getting as much out of it with the cart i'm using. ...and I don't want to upgrade my cart.

I think I might go back to the Cambridge 651p or Musical Fidelity V90-LPS. Both sounded pretty good. I post here, so you guys can talk me out of it ... or suggest an alternative. On the plus side, I did score some 12ax7 mullards, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

I have a stock technics 1200 Mk2 that I'm quite happy with. Just need a preamp that matches nicely with the cart. I think there might be something in-between the $200 - $600 that might be a good match.

Conversely both the Cambridge and MF are pretty good. I'm not looking for a critical preamp. Thoughts?
Heed Quasar may be a nice option. It has a warmer, relaxed sound to my ears.
****I was really angling to use the high outputs,****

Why do you feel that the high output setting would be better? The opposite is usually the case since you are then using fewer gain stages (less is more). If you don't need the extra gain that is a good thing. One of the reasons that I have gone back to MM cartridges from low output MC's is precisely that; my phono stage sounds considerably better in MM mode (lower gain). Rest easy.
You could try the 5751 tubes. These are a 12AX7 equivalent and in most cases, have a 30% reduction of gain.

Depending on the circuit, they can sound even better.
03-04-14: Frogman
Why do you feel that the high output setting would be better?
I'm with Frogman, I'm not sure I understand the problem you have.