What kind of power cord comes with expensive gear

I was just pondering power cords today . I started wondering what kind of power cords come with expensive gear . Over A few grand up to cost no object pieces . If they come with run of the mill black rubber shielding cords i can convince myself to never buy an aftermarket power cable again .

Any owners of said equipment or with knowledge on this subject please chime in .
Compared to the much of the animal kingdom, human beings have pretty terrible hearing. We have poor powers of echolocation, especially for sounds that come from behind us, we can only hear a relatively narrow bandwith of 20Hz-20kHz, and we’re easily fooled by illusions.But perhaps the most convincing tricks are the ones we play on ourselves. Expectation is one of the most powerful forces in shaping our perception, and it’s the reason that the same wine tastes better if we’re told it costs $90 instead of $10. The same goes for our stereo systems if you show an audiophile an anaconda sized power cord and compare it visualy to an genric cord. Which one do u believe he/she will pick out as being the best sounding? This is why blind testing works best determining if changes made are viable.
Schipo, it's obvious that you despise this hobby, so why do you hang around here?
I despise women's $5000 Coach handbags...guess what? I don't hang around on Coach handbag forums.

You come off as someone who is bitter and jealous that some have more money than you do. That may not be the case, but it is how you are perceived.
Jmcgrogan2, thanks for your spot on observations of Schipo's comments.
No reason to insult those of us who know we are not being duped. If you're
(Schipo) smarter then everyone else on this site, perhaps your rare wisdom
is better used elsewhere.
I'm always hoping the cheaper cable sounds better, I didn't want the after market power cord to improve the sound of my system. But unfortunately that wasn't the case.