upgrading the analog setup

hi everybody
i’m listening to last joe walsh lp (love the man) and start thinking to upgrade my entire analogue chain.
I’m now a owner of a rega P5, denon 103, lehmann black cube se prephono.

For the cart I’m sure I’ll go with a dynavector 20X2L (loved very well a former 10X5).
That’s the only certainty.
For the TT on my list now there are:

Rega rp8 (2100 euro)
Well Tempered Amadeus (2800 euro + cable rca)
Linn LP12 (which incarnation?)
Technics sl 1200 + pbthals’s arm
sota (my dealer sells them)

and for the pre phono a have no f idea… I heard good things about AVID and the dynavector p75 mkIII but to compensate the solid state integrated I was thinking a tube one..

Any input would be greatly appreciated



ps unfortunately I cannot audition any components but the sota.
Totally agree that the VPI arm/table is well suited to DV carts and that the ability to fine tune VTA and azimuth is definitely a plus. I have never auditioned a VPI Classic One but I've heard great things about this particular design. I did owned a Scout/JMW9/DV10X5 combo and I was very pleased with the way it sounded. That said, VTA adjustment in my modified RP3 is dead on with Acoustic Signature Stainless Steel spacers and Rega's tonerarm built and quality inspection are second to none. Not sure if this alone will put the VPI in another league over Rega TT's. I believe it's more a matter of synergy and taste.

Back to Rockness,
Being able to audition a Sota with your system is definitely a plus and Sota TT's have always been built to high standards. Give it a try!
I run a 1982 Sota Sapphire I bought new and recently had refurbished to compliment a Graham Phantom Supreme and DV XX2 Mk2. I love the combo more and more every time I listen to it. Previous arm was a Magnepan Unitrac I with a DV MR23RS. Before that I had a Rega Planar 2 with the Rega arm and a DV MR23. The VTA on-the-fly of the Unitrac and the Phantom on the Sota was/is the way to go, IMO. Good luck & happy listening!
My 2cents. I've got a VPI Scoutmaster on the way with an Ortofon 2M Black MM cart. I'm not a analog guru by any means, but the Scoutmaster seems to be at the threshold price-point of getting the most for your money, given the diminishing returns of spending more.

Per VPI, the 2M Black is supposed to be a great match, as well as the Lehmann Black Cube SE with the Scoutmaster. Can I ask why you are getting replacing yours? (If you are selling it, please let me know). PBN Audio suggested I try their Liberty B2B-1 stage ($1800, online sales only), and it appears to receive good reviews. Also, the Musical Surroundings Phonomena Nova II is well-regarded. I listened to it with a VPI Scout and it sounded good. Good luck--