Pro-Ject turntables

I was interested in Pro-Ject turntables...are they as good as the reviews say? And which model is the one to get? It could be the less expensive one, no problem. Thanks!
Well, thank you very much Kiko65, I appreciate your words here. All of those units sound good to me. I'm willing to bet it's just a matter of strengths and weaknesses, and considering what I'm looking for sound wise. Happy listening to you too...
My first venture into higher-end vinyl bliss was with a Project Wood Classic and a Grado Reference Statement($1200), thru a Plinius M-16P, circa 2003. A great sounding combo that I wish I kept. Gives my Vpi Scout a good run for the money.
I owned a Project 2.9 Wood a few years ago. I believe the retail was around $899. I looked beautiful (European pear wood) and sounded great too. I wish I still owned it.