Upgrade Tonearm for VPI Aries 3

I have an Aries 3 turntable with JMW 10.5i tonearm.
I bought it new 7-8 years back.

I would like to upgrade the tonearm any suggestions ?
I use a Dynavector XX-2 Cartridge and I'll spend up to $3500 new or used.

I like the sound with the 10.5i but will upgrading the tonearm improve the sound ?

As time goes on I listen to more vinyl , almost every night.
Would it be better to purchase a used turntable with tonearm for $6000 ?

Thanks any input appreciated.
FWIW ... I own a tricked-out Classic 1/2 plinth with a Classic 3 tonearm/base. I agree with everything Stan (Stringreen) said about checking the arm. My VTA, VTF and azimuth are pretty stable. I check every couple of months when bored. No changes.

I also agree with the advice about making sure the hex on the VTF counterweight screw is tight ... but not overly so. I also assume you're using the S-S counterintuitive gizmo. That's a big help.

Let's go back to the wires. In the past, I noticed that VTF and azimuth would change when measured at different places on the record if the tonearm wire that tied into the juntion box was over-twisted. IMO, less is more. I use a one donut as a bias weight on the anti-skating mechanism and err on the side of just a mild twist in the tonearm wire. If the wire is over twisted , the torque will affect azimuth and VTF a little.

Also, make sure there's clearance if you're using the AS mechanism. You may have to loosen the little AS ring that hooks onto the tone arm and move it around a bit as needed to ensure clearance with the VTA tower. My VTF and azimuth jumped around a bit until I properly set the AS ring.

Last point. VPI reconfigured the heavy azimuth stabilizing counterweight ring that attaches to the bottom of the heavy bell housing. The newer azimuth ring has larger counterbalance ears. That helped me a lot.

Hope this helps. You're not alone out there. To quote Mike, VPI service rep, if properly set up, the VPI/JMW arm combo sings. I agree.

Good info , Thankyou , I'll check these this week.

I notice my weight changes as you noted, I never realized it is related to the wire. I thought is way do to not having a level platter, I bought a machinist level and the platter is dead level.

I don't use the anti skating but I will try it , I do get a little exaggerated sss but most of the time it's the azimuth.

I checked the zenith with my mint alignment gage and it's good.

Thanks again,

My XX2 has close to 200 hours on it now. I have found setting the VTF at 2.0 and the loading at 100 Ohms to be helpful. Sometimes on the same album the sibilance can be fine on some tracks and exaggerated on others, regardless of the tracks location on the disc. Most albums play just fine. I think mixing that hypes the top end is at fault and the XX2 doesn't gloss it over. The sibilance is equal and undistorted in both channels.


I think you hit the nail on the head.
I gave the wire one twist ccw and bam now everything is getting better !

I tweeked in the azimuth everything is getting better and the arm is more stable.
My weight is at 1.96 grams no sss.

Another thing I did was remove almost all of the damping oil in the cup.It made the arm more alive.

It's sooo nice to get back to some nice vinyl.
It will be a late night tonight .

I want to thank all for the comments and I'll post more info later this week.

Thank YOu.
Glad to hear Abill. The JMW arm can do a good job if it's set up properly. But to get to that point .... Anyway, goodluck and happy listening.