Is it possible for a record to be too loud?

I was just listen to a copy of a newish Sigur Ros album "Valtari" and on last two tracks on side B it has pretty huge dynamic swings. It gets so loud that my cart, EMT TSD 15, starts doing what I can only describe as maxing out. Left channel starting squawking and both channels sound crazy compressed.

The only other things I could think of is maybe I am overloading my input impedance on the pre, since this is a MC with a 1.05mv output that doesn't seem like it should be ruled out.

Any ideas? Bad pressing? Faulty cartridge to tonearm matching?..which is a Ortofon RS 309d and preforms absolutely wonderfully on every other record in my collection.
Every cartridge has its tracking limits. Sometimes a record is just cut too hot for the cart to handle and it starts to mistrack. You can try raising the stylus force to the maximum. I have one direct-to-disc piano recording that causes some mistracking when he really hits it hard, but since it's only one record, I'm not going to drive myself crazy.
Short answer is yes. There were/are many recording engineers out there who really have no idea what they were/are doing. Don't assume you have an equipment issue unless it is happening all the time on a wide variety of records.
Indeed, there's no shortage of records cut too hot that are so loud it makes tracking really hard. There's a fine line between enormous and wonderful dynamics and over the top. This is where a good mastering/cutting professional comes into their own.