Quiet"er" record cleaner?

I have been looking to upgrade from my spin cleaner for a fair while now and I was wondering if there are any vacuum cleaners out there that wont make my girlfriend move out. They just all seem like they are going to be cazy loud from the videos I've seen and that just seems wrong for devices that go up from $500.
I use the Spin Clean and then vacuum them with the KAB EV1 from kabusa.com ($169). It is basically the top portion of a manual Nitty Gritty machine. I am very satisfied with this combination. The EV1 uses your own vacuum cleaner so, as Czarivey says, it all depends on how loud your vacuum cleaner is.
I have heard of some that take a 16.5 or similar machine and buy a shop vac then modify it to work with the machine. And then place the vac in another room such as a closet to keep it quieter.
Two revolutions of the disc + vacuum = less than ten seconds(per side)! How long does it take to vacuum the carpeting. Get complaints when that's done?
May be more than you want to spend, but I think I have seen an ultrasonic record cleaner that holds 5+ records at around $1500. The Ultra Sonic V8.

That'll be far quieter and let you plow through many records at a time.