Wet Cleaning the Stylus

Wet cleaned the stylus of my Ortofon Cadenza for the first time. Purchased it new two years ago and never considered going beyond using a stylus brush. A friend recommended wet cleaning it and WOW, what a difference it made.
If I wet-clean the stylus on a daily basis can I expect to get the same WOW same reaction. What about cleaning the stylus on hourly basis. How about between side A and B:)
Any recommendations on an effective and safe stylus cleaner.
What was the name of the chemical that was used to clean styli about twenty five years ago? Whatever it was the stylus was made very clean and clear.
You mean Discwasher stylus brush and that little bottle of fluid? I still have mine. I haven't used it since the early 80s.
Ditto for my Discwasher stylus cleaner. I've also got an Audio Technica AT637 Ultrasonic Stylus Cleaner, that's been in the box, since the 80's. Both were obviated, by the STYLAST and it's cleaning brush.
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