Buy? Used NAD 533 with RB250 and Goldring Elektra

There's a used NAD 533 with RB250 and Goldring Elektra available in my area for $295.

I've been looking at turntables quite a bit recently and if I'm understanding correctly this is a great combination for a good price. In fact, this PRECISE combination was used by a member here for a while (I've been reading/searching).

Is this a solid buy? Would I be better served by purchasing a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon brand new?
Yeah. This guy says $295 FIRM. I haven't contacted him, but the ad is still up. I'm expecting that he'll not be interested in coming down that far.

I should probably ask this in a separate thread, but I'll just throw it out there:

What do people think of the Pro-Ject RM 1.3?
I love the looks, but I can't find much info on it or much in the way of reviews.
I haven't heard that particular Pro Ject but I used to own an xpression that was great and my brother had a carbon that was pretty good. He ended up buying my xpression from me a year after.
I love the looks of the RM 1.3 too.
Plus, the cartridge that comes with it is best value there is,
however a dealer warned me off them saying they were prone to motor noise and belt slipping off .
I'm the guy who had the NAD 533 with the RB 250 and Goldring Elektra !
It was a fantastic combination which I enjoyed for many years. However, at this price point, I would now recommend a new Project Carbon - Ortofon 2M Red combination .... A new table/arm/cartridge with a full warranty at this price point is a much better value than a used set-up. The sound of music between the two is extremely similar, and although the RB 250 is a better arm, the headaches of buying a used set-up isn't worth the hundred dollar savings. And the new Ortofon 2M Red is definitely better than a used Elektra. Have fun and enjoy the music !