How long before your cartridge warms up?

Wondering if people would share how many sides of a LP must be played before they believe their cartridge has warmed up and is on "full boil" so to speak. My Ortofon MC Anna seems to like about 2 to 2.5 sides of an album (e.g. 33.3 rpm) before it really comes to life. This is something I am just starting to notice as I am fairly new to analog.
It all depends on whether you are talking about northern or southern and winter or summer. In Texas when it is near to 100ºs, the cartridge is ready to go. In the winter, with the coldest temperature set at 72ºs, it may take on cut.
Despite Judy's sarcastic denial, there's no question it's a regional issue, and a seasonal one too, for precisely the reasons Jcarr explained (the behavior of elastomers varies with temperature and humidity).

Years ago Raul paid us a visit, travelling from Mexico to CT, just so we could hear his then new preamp! I warmed the system up before he arrived and we played LPs all afternoon. Everything was sounding great.

We broke for a two hour dinner, then returned to playing more LPs. The sound was dull and lifeless, even though we'd left the electronics powered up. I should mention that it was the dead of Winter, fiercely cold outside (~0F) and bone dry air. Surmising that the cartridge suspension had cooled off and stiffened up (per Jcarr's explanation above) I tweaked VTF up by a hair, no more than a few thousandths of a gram.

Wham! The sound sprang to life again, instantly. Raul asked what I'd done and I showed him, alternating between "dead" VTF and "alive" VTF... a tiny adjustment.

The sweet spot for VTF in those conditions was incredibly small, but it was there. Just had to find it.