New cartridge

I am going to California in August and I'll buy a new cartridge. My equipment is VPI 10.5i arm with Aries 3 and Audia Flight phono. My former cartridge is Miyajima Kansui but I was never satisfied.
Most of all I listen to classical music.
Since I live in Brazil, there are few opportunities to hear some cartridges and the prices here are opprobrious. I cannot miss the opportunity. Thinking about 6k.
My first option is the Lyra titan i (I want dynamics and details). Do you suggest another?
Please, I need help.
Thank you very much
Definitely check out the Triangle Art Zeus cartridge. Tom Vu of Triangle Art will demo it for you if will be in Anaheim California. The Zeus is all around the best cartridge that I have heard and relatively affordable at $3995.
I'm with Sbrownnw. Get an AT 33PTG/II. It is a very good match to the VPI arms. It's not available in the states, but can be ordered on eBay.
Thank you all again.
I'll listen to ZYX Universe with VPI and probably buy one.
But I already bought an Ortofon Anna. Sure that is a risk and few people have Anna but I don't know when I'll come back to USA, so I decided take the opportunity.