What dealer/distributor has influenced you most?

Brian @ Aaudio Imports has by far helped influence me the most on my audio journey.

From the Isoclean products to the Weizhi over to the Stage 3 power cables and now to the Thales IC. The S3 and Thales are by far the best AC/IC I have ever heard in my system. No cable has come close to them. The new AC passive units Brain sells are said to better the Weizhi so again this is where the next move will be.

We are all hoping Thales starts to market/make speaker cables.

Who has helped you the most and how??
Oh my goodness! The gear Aaudio Imports carries is very, very expensive! Hi end dealer for sure.

No one dealer has been able to help as they all seem fixated on several, and relatively few, lines. This is perhaps the reality of the business.
The bad dealers influenced me the most. I had to learn what I was doing or find a different hobby.
Glory -

one learns the most from a 'bad' dealer, as in, what not to do.

On the other hand, I can attest to Aaudio Imports and their Stage III concepts power cords. Simply put, the best on the market at the present time. Outstanding customer service as well.