Unbalanced to balanced VPI junction box change?

I have a VPI classic 1 with Valhalla wiring. Currently have a rca junction box and considering changing for XLR. My only reservation is needing to upgrade wiring along with the junction box. For my taste an approximate $1000.00 upgrade. I love the sound now, would be worth upgrading?

"IOW what we are talking about is the ability to control or 'swamp' the individual characteristics such that whatever makes it sound good or bad is no longer relevant, instead the technique is going to force the cable to do its job without editorial."

I have a lot of hands on experience with audio but nowhere near the technical knowledge that either you or Al possess. Assuming the above statement is true, are there any tradeoff's in sound quality? When you say "swamp" or control the signal so that the cables no longer have a sound of their own, is there a penalty to be paid in another area for things to work like that? Maybe less detail or resolution, dynamic contrast, that type of thing. The way you explain it, it almost sounds like something is being forced. Please keep in mind, I'm not saying you are wrong. I just don't know. In my experience, when you make changes, there's usually some type of trade off. At that point, of course, the subjective comes into play in that you pick what you are willing to trade, and what you need to keep. I'm just trying to figure out if you loose anything by going with balanced standards.
^^ That is a good question! It has to do with how the source (phono cartridge) is driving the load, which is to say that the source impedance should be lower than the load by about 10:1.

In the case of LOMC there does not seem to be a downside. LOMCs can drive low impedances with ease.

If we are talking line level, the equipment driving the cable should be able to drive a 600 ohm load. In the old days this was done with an output transformer (in the studio).

These days to do this you need a preamp that has some guts in the line section to drive such a load. Usually this results in a lower output impedance from that line section as well. Whether all this is a down side or trade-off is hard to tell; we solved the problem by doing a direct-coupled vacuum tube output and if anything it seems to sound better for it.

I think some might argue that the signal path is more complex when going balanced- twice as many parts is the old myth there (it does not take twice as many parts). I don't think the signal path has to be more complex; in our case we only have 3 stages of gain between the LOMC input and the output of the line section- I can't speak for all preamps here, but as far as I can tell you don't loose anything with the balanced line system.

Again, the amazing number of stereo LPs from the 1950s that are still sought for their excellent sound should tell you something.
Thank you for the great info, but i am confused as ever. Let me clarify, i was refering to needing to upgrade to balanced IC and not tone arm wiring. The vpi balanced junction box comes with the Valhalla wiring. My dealer was explaining the balanced concept and lost me. I do have a preamp that accepts balanced input. Will any balanced cable work? If makes a difference and since my phono preamp accepts balanced connection i thought of taking full advantage of it. Thank you all.
Well thanks for the clarification :-) Any balanced cable will work, see Ralph Carsten's (Atmasphere) explanation above, you will be pleasantly surprised.

IMO balanced is the only way to run a LOMC Cartridge.

Good Listening

Peter has it right- in no way has anyone suggested that the tone arm be rewired!