Airplane trip with turntable...

Hi I'd like to take turntable Sony 5520 for airplane trip and make a gift to my close friend. Will I be able to bring it through TSA? I'll just pack it onto the corrugated box and cary it horizontally in my arms to the gate.
You don't say, but I'll presume you are traveling inside the US. First, the box MUST fit under the seat or in the overhead. Depending on which airport you are departing from, you won't even be allowed to get into the security line if it won't fit in the sizing grid. Don't count on an overhead, either. Depending on the equipment the airline is using, it can be very tight. Also, unless you have boarding priority, you will likely find most of the overheads stuffed by the time you actually board. Next, you may be asked to remove the table from the box and prove that it will power up. That's a brand-new regulation for cell phones, tablets and computers for international travelers entering the US on non-stop flights, but the TSA being what it is, expect confusion at best and substantial intimidation at worst on anything they don't immediately understand no matter where you're going. Last, the airlines really do mean it now when they say one carry-on and one personal item and they can make you reconfirm box size at the gate. If the gate attendants don't like it for whatever reason, you table will go to gate check and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. That means you have to make sure the table is well-packed and you have indelible labels on the box that can't easily be removed.

Good luck!
If at all possible, pack it very well and ship it fully insured with UPS or Fed Ex.

Best of Luck

With a situation like this, you never know what's going to happen. The TSA people are not the brightest. Get the right agent, and I can see you ending up on the 6:00 news. Any time I have to deal with any type of official, government or otherwise, I always assume the answer will be no, and expect the worst. At least with FedEx or UPS, you have a chance of getting the box there without any problems.
Thanks for thoughts.
I will fly US-US...
The turntable itself isn't big even with packaging.
I will simply feel safer about it if it's underneath the seat rather than shipping it.
I want to void driving 800 mi as well.
Beware, they are going to make you unpack it in the airport, especially if it's in an unmarked box. Take packing tape with you to repack it with on the spot.