old verses new ???

This falls under the age old question of "which is better"
The top flight turntables of yesterday or The new Turntables of today.
Maplenoll or Micro Seiki top of the line products as examples of old high end tables.
VPI, Clearaudio, Brinkman as examples of newer turntable.
Last to replace one of these older top of the line Tables in sound quality what would it cost today?
I find that any OLD table has to be gone thru and even updated a little. IE..tonearm rewire or just changing the turntable IC. These classic tables are special indeed, they have a classic look and sound that you cant get in a new table. But, the new tables are very nice and well thought out and they sound really good. Thornes has released the classic TD160.I have listened to old and new and I prefer the newer for my system.
being a dinosaur, i really like the tables that were pioneered as the CD took shape. I fell in love with the maplenoll tables and now have three of thier top tables. They do not have the polish or style of say the top micro, forsell, rockport, but oh the sound! I have not invested in any new tables so i really couldnt compare how the new tables sound. But many of the old tables get new life in new plinths and compete very favorably with the new tables based on some of the regulars here. Arthur Salvatore also echoed that when he got a hold of a rebuilt lenco. Now i think you were asking how much one of these new tables would cost to equal the old top of the line. Take the Walker table which the maplenoll was the ancestor, well, lets say the maplenoll was about 25% or less of the cost of a walker. And maplenoll was a damn expensive table in the 90's when it came out.