Turntable Upgrade: What Sonic areas will improve?

Ok I would consider myself an audiophile beginner. I really want to upgrade my turntable. Currently using a used project 2 table with a grado black cart (70 dollar cart).

I am looking for a bigger soundstage, better layering and texture. I prefer musical presentations on the slightly warm side to etched high resolution presentations.

Thinking used rega or VPI or a new rega p3/VPI traveler. Have no idea what cart to get. Will this upgrade make the improvements I am looking for and what carts should I be looking at (300 range) Thanks in advanced.

Associated equipment
Exposure 17 preamp/phono
Exposure 18 mono amps
Exposure speaker cable
Speakers System Audio Mantra 10
Source project 2 grado cart
Love your Exposure gear...great choice. Know nothing about your speakers...have never even heard of the brand. I think a Rega 3,or 6,with Rega or Dyna cart, would compliment your system beautifully.
Looking at what you have now, and what you are considering upgrading to, you should get better sound quality in every area. A nice option would be a VPI turntable and a DV 10x5. Its a high output MC, so it will work very well on your phono pre's MM setting. I'm not too familiar with the Traveler, but I do have a Scout. The Scout's very nice because is sounds excellent stock, but has tons of upgrades available. It may cost a little more now, but you'll save money overall.
Spend more, relatively speaking, on the cartridge than the table. Rega, VPI, Sota, Pro-Ject, they're all good. Pick one that has the features you like. On cartridges, I'm a big fan of Dynavector and Ortofon. I find they offer a superior value and really bring out the best of what vinyl has to offer.

Another way you could consider going is to simply mount a better arm and cartridge to the Pro-Ject you have. There are lots of good second-hand arms available here for fair money and you can then use what you save to get into moving coil - a very big step up from what you have.

You will also want to set aside some $$$ for a good set-up protractor (Pro-Ject happens to make a nice one that's also inexpensive), VTF scale and set-up test record. The best table in the world will sound like crap if the cart isn't aligned properly. It's a fussy, delicate and time-consuming job but oh-so worth it. Lots of forums here on the how-to end of things.

Good luck & happy listening.
You should check out a used VPI HW-19 for the warmer sound you are looking for. BTW: I see a nice HW-19 Jr.with an AudioQuest arm and a Grado Platinum cartridge on Ebay for $595. I don't think you would go wrong with that setup.