setting azimuth

I want to use a volt meter to set my cartridge azimuth. When doing so what do I do with the probes to connect then to the amps speaker terminals? Just touch the probe to the post?
You can't just use a voltmeter. Don't ask me the technical details, as they are beyond me, but I believe you need some sort of filter. I use a Wally analog shop.
Agree with Doug; do the rough in by eye then listen. I started with a test record to dial it in more precisely then did some critical listening of stuff I know well for the final touch. I've also heard the Fozgometer works well, but I can't see how it would be nearly as much fun. Good luck & happy listening!
I'm not sure I have such a fine tuned ear to get it dialed in and I'm afraid to spend all the money on Wally's shop and then wait a year to get it. The fozgometer might be a good option but I've heard it's not super exact. I might try to listen in, what would I be listening for? Also are there any filters other than Wallys that do the same thing? I'd like to do it mathematically and just be done with it.
Once both SRA and azimuth are dialed in; you'll find dramatic differences in image focus, sound stage, timbre, etc. Dr Feickert's Adjust+ program removes all the guesswork, and adds precision, with regards to crosstalk, freq response and THD measurements. Expensive, but- worth every penny! Also includes tests for table speed, wow/flutter, arm/cart resonant freq, etc. ( (