A Soundsmith Denon dl103 retip question

I have been reading a lot about this mod and the improvements that are attained

E.g. - the general consensus of the Soundsmith ruby retip is a more detailed playback as the main benefit.

However, replacing the cantilever also replaces the tip with one of a different profile.

So my question is - are there a downside to this mod?

- can microscopic particles of dirt in the groove become more audible making older albums sound worse?
- will a stiffer stylus make skipping due to scratches more of an issue

Anyone out there notice any negative side to this mod

The D103, with the round stylus, keeps this venerable cartridge from being as good as it can be, and that is very, very, good.

I sent my D 103R (a Zu Denon model), to ESCCO in Great Britain for their white saphire cantilever/Paratrace stylus mod. It's now my best, and favorite cartridge, better than my Dynavector XX2MKII with Soundsmith's best replacement cantilever/stylus.

Essco takes forever and a day, but it was worth the wait. Soundsmith also has a long turn-around.

Agree with Dan

I have my Ebony wood body 103r with ESC saphire/ruby transplant.
Excellent sounding cartridge.
Post removed 
Viridian - thanks for that insight

I also found this very informative post over on View yl Engine

I've also read of a guy ( in Italy I think) that completely rebuilds the entire cartridge (nude) that is supposed to be amazing.

I think to start with I'll go for the OC/CL from soundsmith

Now that's been cleared up can anyone comment on the benefits of
1. Nuding the 103
2. Installing the wood body

Many thanks