I need some VPI parts and can't get in touch with anyone at VPI, They no longer have a phone number and I don't know any dealers with-in 400 miles of me.....I have e-mailed them several times without answers......Of course I can't call them, so I'm in trouble for these parts....I have six VPI turntables, any help ??? Will

Business is Business and Family is Family. In High End Audio you are not dealing with multi national corporations, rather you are dealing with smaller family oriented businesses that care about what the make rather than the bottom line.

So, please cut Matt and the great folks at VPI a little slack in this time of family care. Matt has done more than anyone I know to promote high end audio to the next generation.

Good Listening

Why does Wagner always sound poor on VPI turntables!

It must be a conspiracy !
Thanks for all the help, I'll give it some time........It's too bad about the family.....Will
You are right, Larry is the best! No one I know, knows more about TTs than Larry. He has been my "go to" guy for the past 12 years.
I went through the same issue a couple of months ago.
I wanted to order another pulley and belts for my Aries 3 motor.
I spoke with someone, I don't remember his name .
He said VPI will stop selling directly to customers and call a retailer to order , he gave me the part numbers.

I ended up ordering my parts from MusicDirect.

Sorry to hear about his grandgather.