reco speaker cables for Ohm Walshes?

Looking to move from my Anti cables.can't afford more than $500. Use with McIntosh MC 250,acurus R11 and new Sony 5400ES.
AudioArt SC-5 is around $200 ,very neutral and sounds good on about anything.
I owned anticables before. I no longer use them.

The length is a key detail you left out. That can drastically affect the cost of any cables since you are stating you want to spend $500 or less.

But, without knowing the length, here are my recommendations:

Supra Classic 6.0 (inexpensive but very, very good) and can be auditioned; these have been recommended by the maker of Merlin speakers for use with his speakers

Kimber Kable 8VS- inexpensive, but very good and can also be auditioned

I have used both of these cables before.

Also, depending on the length, although I don't own them yet, I recommend the Chord Odyssey 2. As long as your length is not too long you can afford them. I don't own a pair yet but I will soon; I expect them to be outstanding. You can get a 3 meter pair with banana terminations for $425. You might be able to borrow a pair of these from the Cable Company lending library to try out.

If you are impatient and want something good without waiting to audition cables, I'd go for the Supra Classic 6.0.
When I had Ohm Walsh 2 speakers I used Emotiva Ultra speaker cables with them along with a Class D Audio amp. The sound was quite good to me and I didn't break the bank.
Run is about 8feet,single has wood floors which I'm trying to address now various ways.may soon try class D via W4Sd mint....still mulling. Have only ever used rat shack lamp cord and anticables. All money went into equipment so this a venture into unknown,maybe voodoo world:-)
Foster9, I agree with you Supra and 8Vs recce, can use 4vs just as well.
I have Chord Odyssey 2, have had for years, IMHO a fair SC at best and overpriced.