Cables are for a lot of wealthy audiophiles the real toy. Normally they don't understand anything from their own System, except the price tag and the review about it.
But with cables they understand something, they pull one out (no big deal) and plug the new one in (the task of red and white input they are able to handle) and then they can hear something. A difference. And that's it. And when the price is high enough (high means, YOU & others can't afford it), then it is better. That's the bargain.
But with cables they understand something, they pull one out (no big deal) and plug the new one in (the task of red and white input they are able to handle) and then they can hear something. A difference. And that's it. And when the price is high enough (high means, YOU & others can't afford it), then it is better. That's the bargain.