The quality and unfortunately, that's related to cost, of the connectors can have an impact on the power cord.
Just switching the ends made a difference in the sound of the wires.
So does eliminating as many connections as you can.
I've simplified things so that I run a direct 10 guage line from the panel to my amp using only one IEC connector on the line then into the amp.
Because of safety issues,a direct soldered connection to the amp would be the ultimate.
So I am not using any DIY or Store bought power cords to the amps and I've noticed an increase in dynamics and resolution.
I am not saying that power cords don't matter,just the opposite.
It's all about the power delivery to the gear that matters.
If it didn't I would have stuck with plugging the amps into the wall on a non dedicated 15 amp line with stock power cords.
I've only experimented with DIY and Shunyata power cords,but it's always been easy for me to hear that no two are alike.
And like most things in this hobby the quality(and expense)of the connectors played a major part in shaping the sound.
If someone has to decide on where to save some money,don't let it be the connectors if DIY.
My first DIY power cord was back in 1987 when I replaced the thin power cords on my Quad 63.
I used the Quad IEC, bought generic male plug and used 12 guage solid core romex.
All stock power cords from that time on stayed in the box.
Just switching the ends made a difference in the sound of the wires.
So does eliminating as many connections as you can.
I've simplified things so that I run a direct 10 guage line from the panel to my amp using only one IEC connector on the line then into the amp.
Because of safety issues,a direct soldered connection to the amp would be the ultimate.
So I am not using any DIY or Store bought power cords to the amps and I've noticed an increase in dynamics and resolution.
I am not saying that power cords don't matter,just the opposite.
It's all about the power delivery to the gear that matters.
If it didn't I would have stuck with plugging the amps into the wall on a non dedicated 15 amp line with stock power cords.
I've only experimented with DIY and Shunyata power cords,but it's always been easy for me to hear that no two are alike.
And like most things in this hobby the quality(and expense)of the connectors played a major part in shaping the sound.
If someone has to decide on where to save some money,don't let it be the connectors if DIY.
My first DIY power cord was back in 1987 when I replaced the thin power cords on my Quad 63.
I used the Quad IEC, bought generic male plug and used 12 guage solid core romex.
All stock power cords from that time on stayed in the box.