How to improve on Audioquest SKY

Have introduced the "SKY" into system( CD to Pre where it works best)--all components are Conrad Johnson with exception of speakers which are Vandersteen Quatros. Still working on getting my turntable into system. QUESTION. RE--INTERCONNECTS--Running Comets on speakers--interconnects for pre and amp are Audioquest Niagras--SKY seem to be a bit "brittle"--even after a good warm up---Niagras, on the other hand I have found to be a bit "dulled" out; nice but lacking in clarity--hoping to get some thoughts re alternatives---something warm but CLEAR in this system--DP2 is the CD--CT 5 is Pre. All thoughts and suggestions are welcome, but particularly from Vandy and CJ owners. Thanks. (Power cords are all Purist with exception of Audience Au24 for CD--- CD may need upgrade based upon the above--again--suggestions for auditioning?
What are the high pass set to.?
How big is the room?
How far out from front and side walls are the speakers?
Did you do the tilt back?
Cheers Johnnyr
I have bought the new Wild Blue Yonder with the new xlr connectors. Difference between this oen and Sky is big. The Wild is so much more controlled in the high freq. compared to the more bright sounding Sky.
I dip my Sky cable into Holy Water...that is a cheap but tremendous much more controlled in the high frequency area with an endless soundstage ...

the Audience AU series is a great sonic match for CJ gear.
Step up to the "e" or "se" upgrades and you will be rewarded!