How to Connect Cobalt Cables Speaker Cables?

Hello All,
Please help out a female audiophile with no brains. I bought a beautiful set of Cobalt Cables speaker cables used off the Internet. They are terminated on both ends with what look like RCA ends. I cannot figure out, for the life of me, how I hook these ends up to my speakers or to my amp.

Can anyone advise on this?

I would really appreciate the help.
Al, it had indeed slipped my mind about powered speakers. Had no knowledge whatsoever about the use of RCA-type speaker cables from back in the day :) And a good suggestion to make sure they're not bananas, which is indeed what Cobalt offers.

If they are indeed banana's you may have to remove the safety plugs that many speaker makers put into the end of the binding posts.
I think it would be a good idea if the OP can post a picture of the cables and list the system.