Power Cords: A Skeptic Looking to Dabble...

Even though I am generally a skeptic when it comes to a lot of audiophile related things, I am curious enough to consider dabbling a bit in the coming months.

Here's my current system for reference:

(1) APC H15 Power Conditioner
(2) Pioneer Elite PD-D6-J SACD player
(3) Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 interconnect (6 feet)
(4) Yaqin MC-30L integrated amplifier (EL34 tube)
(5) Blue Jeans Cable Belden 5000 Series 10 AWG 5T00UP (7 feet)
(6) Focal 836v speakers

The SACD player and amplifier are plugged into the power conditioner (used primarily for surge protection) and all equipment is using the stock cords. The power cord on the power conditioner is a beast compared to everything else in the system.

I would be looking for recommendations new or used in the sub-$150 price range.

Is it reasonable to assume that a power cord could make a difference in my system at this price point? If so, which ones should I be considering? Also, please provide any reasoning and experience that you have with any recommendation.
Is it reasonable to assume that a power cord could make a difference in my system at this price point?

Sure, but remember, different is not always better. I do not have much experience with current cords in your price range, so I will defer to others who are more experienced with your quest.
From my experiences years ago, I was once a skeptic too, I didn't really find power cords to have much effect on the lower priced cords in lower priced, less resolving systems. It wasn't until I tried better cords in more resolving systems that I found the true benefits of having upgraded power cords.
I look for UPOCC wire, teflon dielectric and good connectors, e.g., Oyaide P-004 & C004. Unfortunately, you won't find these things for $150. Suggest you try Signal Cable cables.
Jmcgrogan's comments are absolutely spot on. I will add the following. It has been my experience that the PC's that will make a clear difference (improvement) start at about $600 new, #300 used. I have had very good success with VH audio AirSines, Voodoo Cable (various models) and an Audience e. The funny thing is, its not terribly predictable. The Audience e was a really good PC for my ModWright Sony CD player, but was nothing spectacular on anything else. The AirSines were great on my Cary amps and Audio Magic Mini Ref power conditioner, but was not a good choice at all for my coincident pre amp. I have also used Signal Cable PCs and they are much better than 16 gauge lamp cord for sure, but really don't match up well against the other cords I have mentioned.

My suggestion would be buy one used VH audio Airsine used, rotate it through your system to see if you can tell a difference. If you can't don't go any further and resell the AirSine.