12-05-13: Mceljo
I made a similar suggesting at my local audio store that Nordost Sort Kones should have less of an effect as the equipment design gets better because I wouldn't expect a $500 CD player to include the same level of care in the design as I would a $10,000 CD player.
I would disagree. I believe that the better performing gear will be better able to demonstrate the sonic differences. Just as a Ferrari will better be able to demonstrate the difference that performance tires will make than a Ford Fiesta. From my experiences, I have an easier time hearing differences between cables and cords on hi-fi gear than on low-fi gear. Low-fi gear tends to homogenize the sound and make many things sound similar.
+1 to what Foster_9 says. Talking about jumping into the pool starts to become boring after a few days.
Either jump in and get wet, or put your clothes back on and go home. ;)