Stereo equalizer connection to integrated amplifie

I know that the use of equalizers is an affront to the sensibilities of many audiophiles but a combination of hearing problems and an unfortunate listening room layout force me to, at least, consider trying one. My primary goal is to attenuate those frequencies that are painful to my hearing due to a condition called hyperacusis.

I've never in 50+ years used an equalizer and have a couple of questions that will expose my near total ignorance of the issue. To begin with, I use a Rogue Audio Sphinx integrated hybrid amp with a tube based DAC between it and the CD player. Part of my concern is protection of the amplifier because I don't know what voltage levels are delivered from the equalizer to the tube input section of the amplifier.

In reviewing the various equalizers available, many seem to be designed for other purposes than home stereo use such as studio mixing; the rear panels depict connections with which I'm not familiar, some with what looks like microphone plugs. Most all of the others with with RCA plugs have record in and out connections with " out to amp" RCAs. Does this mean that the equalizer is taking the place of the preamp and that the pre section of the integrated amp should be bypassed?

Also, some of those advertised are designated as being parametric. I've tried to find info on what, exactly, this means to the process and is it a better way to go? Many of these, btw, seem to be of the type with the multiple connections on the rear panel that I described above.

I'm sorry to be so uninformed on the subject that it may be difficult to provide answers that I'll understand but any input would be very much appreciated.
I have a vintage Luxman G-11 equalizer. I believe this retailed for over $500 back in the late 70's. I sent it to a tech about 7 years ago and had it completely recapped, brought back to spec at a cost of $325. It's a quality piece. I used it in my prior house having bad room acoustics. No longer needed. I never bothered to post it here since I figured it would never sell. As others noted not much demand for EQs these days. Please contact me if your interested.
Good luck
Broadstone, don't be intimidated by the technical part, devote one day to studying the theory of an EQ and you'll have it mastered.

Behringer seems to be popular among audiophiles, maybe because it's digital. But the signal still has to be converted to analogue out to the amp.
A Behringer may have a longer learning curve but take a look at this one.
(Sold at Amazon cheap)

I'd like to know what you decide in the end since I still am considering adding a unit due to my hearing problem.
Do not make apologies for an EQ. If you get better sound from such, give it a rest. Often in audio we follow rules that are really meant to be broken. If it sounds good, its okay. Our ears and rooms are different, so go with what sounds best, not what the rules tell you is acceptable.
Lowrider57, you mentioned hearing loss. Best you find a good audiologist and find out exactly the problem you are having. That will give you a better idea of whether EQ will help. I've been hearing impaired all my life, wearing hearing aids, that are programed to my hearing loss. Yes, EQ'd.
Buconero117, thanks for your reply, but Broadstone and I discussed this in an earlier thread. I also have hyperacusis and tinnitus, but not as severe as his. I've seen the ENT, audiologists and have been diagnosed; I'm now seeing a Neurologist who specializes in this area (since the pain signals originate in the brain).
BTW, the way I've dealt with it is by tube rolling, cables, and more room treatments.