Tara Labs ISM Onboard vs separate Ground Station

Hi folks, just wondering if anyone has experience with Tara Labs ISM Onboard cables versus their older ones with the seperate ground station? I found a vague reference on this site stating that the older ground station version sounded better. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Tboooe, Hi, I tried to call you on the phone last week-end,How is you Tara labs, The two with HFX grounding station -Extended band-width interconnect coming along?
Audiolabyrinth, I don't care at all about tara labs stuff because High Fidelity Cables are sooo much betterÂ…
please stay here where someone might agree with you!!!
coming from someone who has never listened to any of the very best cables from tara labs, Your post is meaningless!, tell me, what cables by any brand have you ever listened to that is $10,000.00 a meter or higher retail other than high-fidelity cables?, I really do not believe you have that kind of exsperience!