Less expensive Cables for Simaudio & Focal Speaker

Looking for the less expensive copper cables for Simaudio Neo 250i Integrated Amplifier and Focal 807W speakers.
Thanks in advance on suggestions.
My preference is Van den Hul D-352 - I purchased bulk cable and installed Furez silver plated bananas for about $350 for a 10 foot pair. Very neutral, dynamic, with deep bass and spacious.

Signal Cable also has some interesting looking cables within your budget - other members report Signal Cable products to be very good and exceptional value.

You could also look at "previously enjoyed" cables advertised here by members.

Good luck

Also take a look at the thread "Best Cheap Speaker Cables"

Lots of options there
I'm using Cardas Quadlink 5C between my Simaudio I.5 Integrated and Vandersteen 1Ci speakers. Different speakers I know but very dynamic sound. The Simaudio I.5 was the predessesor to the 220i which then became the 220i Neo.
2M pair is $518. 1.5M is $424.