Shunyata Hydra

Ok, I need to make it clear that I am no philistine. I hear the difference between many items with nuanced ability to alter sound quality and fully agree that one must play with every part of their set up to get the sound they want. However, I have played with my shunyata power snakes and hydras in a million ways with many components and in many rooms and have tried floating the ground before and after the hydra and many many more variations. AFTER EVALUATING THE SOUND BOTH WITH COMPUTERS AND MANY UNBIASED EARS I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER THAT SHUNYATA POWER PRODUCTS HAVE ANY SONIC INFLUENCE WHATSOEVER. When I started buying shunyata products I was told by a salesman, "the impact of shunyata hydras and power snakes are in no way subtle." I will dispute that claim with anyone. I spent good money on these parts and wanted them to work very strongly. I can say without reservation their effect is nil. I'm staggered that so many are convinced of their worth.
A few things. 1. On the lower end PC's I agree with you. Waste of $. On their best cables, I do notice a difference but you can do better for less money. 2. If there was ever a case to be made about The Cable Co, this is it. What were you thinking? They would have sent all of this stuff out to you first, to try in your system. It wouldn't have cost you anything.(except shipping) Also, why did you keep buying them if they didn't make a difference? 3. This is probably going to be a very interesting thread.
Hi Jamiek, which Hydra model/version have you used... And which other shunyata wires/versions?

What does the rest of your system look like?

How many hours of playing time have you allowed on your Shunyata loom and conditioner?

Jamiek, lots have had other opinions on Shunyata...I use their conditioners and cords and get a significant improvement...something seems odd on this post...

I am also curious what models/versions you are using...and what equipment you have plugged into the shunyata products...were you going from stock cords or something else?

You have a nice system btw !
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I don't think he was saying that all power cords and line conditioners don't work, it was just the Shunyata products.