Speaker cable made you say:

What speaker cable did you purchase within the last year or so that made you say:...."It really does sound better..... than my previous speaker cables"

Was this discovery by accident, recommendation from a AG member,local friend or magazine review???
WireWorld Oasis. Been reading about them for years. In the last six months I had decided to work on the cabling of my system. I started with a WireWorld UltraViolet USB cable and have just completed a WireWorld suite for my system.

I had used Analysis Plus Oval 9 for nearly ten years and have used at length MIT Terminator 5. Still have the MIT. The Oasis SC along with the rest of the WireWorld cables have made a significant improvement in my system. Good luck with your SC search.
I was looking for a natural presentation with a flat tonal balance for SC's. In other words a cable that has as much as I can get musical texture/body and no highlighting of anything. I got a recommendation from a member here, 'Stanwal'. He was a distributor for many brands for many years. He mentioned PS Audio 'Reference Statement Plus'. They have been superb. They seem to let everything through without any uglies or highlighting or thinning or fattening the sound. To me I think as close to natural as I can reasonably get to the live music I hear in my home.
I swapped out a set of Nordost Super Flatline II and replaced them with Analysis Plus Oval 9's. The Nordost, true to its reputation, is somewhat light in the low end.
In the last year or so the speaker cables that made me say "It does really sound better" are from Dave's Cables.

Check them out here.


In my secondary system that I've been listening to a lot more I installed the Dave's 14 Gauge Speaker Cables with Furutech FT-211/212 UPOCC Copper Spades and Locking Banana Plugs. They were awesome.
Jebinite, have not seen your name for awhile. From what I recall Dave's cables are not inexpensive, especially for 12 ft single wire pair (which was about $500). So what was it about these cables that made you say: "It does sound better" BTW, why did you install them in the secondary system??

Thanks to others who have responded.

TO Nonoise, I did check out the Tempo Electric website, but you forgot one thing....they are also expensive, especially longer pairs.... On another somewhat related issue I think you were part of the give and take on "Elizabeth's" thread regarding the Cardas Parsec IC (which replaced the previous Quadralink) Could this IC be another example of "It does sound better" Seems to be more of an IC for separates not necessarily as an IC upgrade for a CD player.

I needed two aspirins and bedrest( or is it head rest...LoL) after reading all the exchanges