Taking Suggestions for New Speaker Cables

Have a desire to replace/upgrade from current MIT CV2 Terminator 2S speaker cables. I have a mix of tube and solid state equipment - CODA 10.5r SS amplifier and Audio Note L3 (M3) tube preamp coupled with Totem Sttaf speakers. I have the Manley Chinook tube phono stage paired with Pro-Ject Debut Carbon turntable and Ortofon 2M Black cartridge. I'm looking at Siltech 330L entry-level cables, Nordost Heimdall, Kimber Kable Monocle X, and Cardas Audio. WireWorld also has some nice cables for consideration. Let me know what you think. Ideally, I want to keep this purchase under $1000. Used cables are totally fine assuming I can obtain banana plugs. The Totems require spades with 3/8" width in order to work - hard to find these custom size spades.
What don't you like about the system/cables that gives you the desire to upgrade? Those MIT cables were around 400-500 for the interconnects. Those are fairly expensive already by my standards.
Try the Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval. They perform way above their price point(IOW: they really get out of the way of the music and all it's nuances): (http://www.analysis-plus.com/prod_spkrcable.html) If you can find a used pair, they should be within your price range. If you can stretch a bit; they're worth it: (http://www.thecableco.com/Product/Big-Silver-Oval)
OOPS! I should have said, "If you can stretch a bit for new ones, they're worth it."