Taking Suggestions for New Speaker Cables

Have a desire to replace/upgrade from current MIT CV2 Terminator 2S speaker cables. I have a mix of tube and solid state equipment - CODA 10.5r SS amplifier and Audio Note L3 (M3) tube preamp coupled with Totem Sttaf speakers. I have the Manley Chinook tube phono stage paired with Pro-Ject Debut Carbon turntable and Ortofon 2M Black cartridge. I'm looking at Siltech 330L entry-level cables, Nordost Heimdall, Kimber Kable Monocle X, and Cardas Audio. WireWorld also has some nice cables for consideration. Let me know what you think. Ideally, I want to keep this purchase under $1000. Used cables are totally fine assuming I can obtain banana plugs. The Totems require spades with 3/8" width in order to work - hard to find these custom size spades.
As Nonoise suggests, Tempo Electric are a bargain and I love them and had them before Nonoise did, so there!! Back @ Ya' :)
Joe Levy is excellent to work with and I agree with his philosophy.
They are worth an investigation.
There are many great cables available out there. With your budget I hope you consider WireWorld. In the past I have used cables from Analysis Plus, Cardas, and MIT (good cables all). I recently put a full set of WireWorld cables in my system and have been very pleased. More than pleased actually, I don't give cables a second thought anymore.

The WireWorld are dynamic, smooth, neutral and very quiet. With you budget I would consider going with an interconnect and speaker cable from the same manufacture. The WireWorld Equinox IC and SC might be very good in your system. Good luck and let us know what you end up going with.
Wescoman, You will now have to try every cable suggested so far, otherwise you'll always be wondering if you missed that "one" with the "MAGIC" :)