Upgrade from Rega P3-24 .....

Please take a look at my current updated system's analog front end. I am perhaps considering an upgrade, thinking about the Rega RP6 and the VPI Traveler, with a nicely matching high output MC or MM cartridge. My total budget is around $2000. Would either of these tables be a considerable enough upgrade over my current system to justify a new purchase ? Or would I need to spend more $$$ to really hear an improved sound ? Other thoughts ? I love the way my system sounds now, but may be experiencing a bout of "upgrade fever." I've already taken some aspirin, but the fever won't go away.
Got my P3-24 used about 9 months ago and remember thinking how much better it sounded than my old Kenwood TT but also noticing the P3's pacing was only as good and maybe not as good as the Kenwood. Now there is a real jump and boogie that was totally missing with the old belt.
I upgraded my rega table to a denon dl-160 high output moving coil. although the model has been discontinued you may find one available online. There are lots of reviews on audiogon about this cartridge. Im very satisfied with the sound.
How about a new arm, or sub platter, or platter, or bearing or...

Scroll down to the section on Turntable and Phono at this page
It has links to all of the manufacturers site that I got the various parts from

Audiomods also does a killer arm based on rega arms - several different levels/costs

I had a lot of fun and could take my time upgrading - you can feed the fever one mod at a time :-)
Ok Adam ,Here it is in a nutshell. The P3/24 table is the WEAK link. The RB301 is awesome arm..Upgrade the Belt It is way better than the cheesy black belt.The stock Subplatter bearing system SUX, noisy, a lot of friction. Upgrade for $250 to the groovetracer ref subplatter,last but not least the Platter get rid of the glass wooly mat combo for a groovetracer acrylic. Beautiful! Now your table is ready :-)

Your welcome,

Matt TX
Hey Matt ... Thanks for the "nutshell advice," and my compliments to you on what appears to be a beautiful system. I already have the Herbie's mat in place of the felt, and I'll buy the white belt to replace the black one. As far as the Groovetracer upgrades .... perhaps in the future.