Order of importance of cables

Assuming a setup with all basic cables, in which order should one upgrade among the following:

- power cables
- speaker cables
- interconnects

the assumption is that you want to upgrade the ones which make the bigger difference sooner.
I suspect that there will be no consensus in the responses which will follow. IMO what can be said with reasonable confidence is as follows:

1)Speaker cables will assume increased importance if speaker impedance is low, and if cable length is long.

2)Analog interconnect cables will assume increased importance if the output impedance of the component driving them is high, and if cable length is long, and if the interface is unbalanced (i.e., RCA) rather than balanced (i.e., XLR).

3)IMO power cable importance can be expected to often be greater for power amplifiers and digital components than for other kinds of components.

Hope that helps. Regards,
-- Al
I have to agree with Al, there is no one correct answer. Many will have their own priorities, but that doesn't mean anything to you or me, as synergy will guide you to your own personal preferences.

This question has been asked many, many times over the years with no definitive answer. Search the archives for some entertaining answers.
When Nordost came out with the Norse Series 2 cables I was lucky enough to get a demo case for an in home demo. My Ic's and Sc's were original Frey's. I always thought the Ic would make the biggest difference. So what I did was swap out the Ic only with the series2 Frey. Noticed the improvement. Put the original Ic back in and swapped out the Sc for the series2 Frey. I noticed a bigger improvement. So for grins I put the original Sc back in and swapped out the original Frey Ic with the Tyr2. To me it sounded just a hair better than the Frey2 Sc. I then later played with different combinations but came to the conclusion (at least in my case) the Sc made the biggest difference.

That said I never tried different brands. I did play with the Pc's a bit but compared to my Fusion Audio's I didn't hear that much of a difference but I was more interested in Ic's and Sc's. In the end I upgraded my Ic from the original Frey to the Tyr2.

Well that was my experience.