DCCA Source, DFPC Signature or Elrod EPS3

I am trying to find a pc for my Eddie Current Balancing Act which is a 300b/6sn7 preamp/headphone amp.
I have tried WyWires Juice 2 and am currently using HiDiamond P3. I found the HiDiamonds to work extremely well with my Bryston BDP-1 and Lampizator L4G4 but it just didn't do anything for the Balancing Act. I am looking for smooth treble and weighty bass. Most importantly, I am looking for soundstage depth, palpable image and accurate timbre (not asking much, eh?). I am looking to spend ~$500 or so and am now considering a new DCCA Source, a used DFPC Signature or a used Elrod EPS3 (if one were to every come up for sale). I would love to hear from anyone who has had experience with these cables to provide a bit of guidance.
Cords are funny like that, they are very dependent of the equipment they are attached to. As much as I like the Elrod cords, I have found that they never worked well on anything designed by Dennis Had (Cary/Inspire). Of course someone else may disagree, that is the nature of the beast. Like you said, you have had success with the HiDiamond cords, just not on your amplifier. I am totally unfamiliar with your amplifier, so I cannot even say how the Elrods would perform with it.

Another cord that I would recommend looking for, though it may cost a bit more than $500, is a PAD Dominus w/ Ferox. I actually preferred the older Dominus cords to the newer 20th Anniversary/ Canorus cords.
Wow man! The prices are really climbing on those cords too! Classic old cord prices are climbing faster than NOS tube prices!! Used to be you could grab a Dominus for around $700. Even the Elrods I bought a few months ago cost $100-$200 more a cord than they did several years ago. I don't know if it's the fact that they are becoming rarer, or the weakening of the USD, or both. It sucks though.
In my system HiDiamond is not in the same league as Elrod Statement Silver and Elrod Statment Gold.