Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
LOL I don't think, I just know, but in this world you can't say these things SHESHHH!
I would like to raise a question, of course not all 10k cables a scam, but let’s pick for example purist dominus speaker cables. Purist just released new revision and 1,5m of the dominus model will retail for $12,500. Or latest V12 version of Stealth dream is about $12k for 2 meters, or Siltech royal line cost like half of my car.
I understand the R&D and some marketing need to be financed, but these companies don’t have multimillion research labs and personnel.
How much those cables actually cost to make? The same goes to speakers. Like Sonus Faber, Marten, Tidal and many others.
I still haven't heard any positive responces about how cool and how interesting and how technologically advanced are the audio-wire assembly lines.
Siltech and Harmonic Tech assembly lines are all in China. Had anyone been there? I guess there should be something else to see when travel to China.
Ordering those mentioned for $12.500 directly from China you can get them $5...600 shipped and directly from factory bypassing all third parties that dictate their own scam rules. Ones brought onto our US local markets are SAME.
Each new precious cable like that is viciously looking for the foolish and naive at all times. ASK ANYONE.
Some of the audio components can fall onto that category, but with far less magnitude.
Czarivey, when I wanted to buy an Ikeda 407 tonearm, I found cheaper versions available from Hong Kong, China. They are fakes. China has a major problem even internally with fakes, such as high pressure pipes that fail, etc.

I still don't understand why you and Mapman bother to tell us your view, which many of us think is nonsense. Just enjoy your music.
Prices are also based on a price tag a company wants a cable for this high prices.

In my opinion there are cables who can give you more new information other cables can't give you. And even with more expensive amps or sources this cannot be achieved.

It need to be auditioned in your set. After this you can Judge what it does in your set. Then you can decide if it is worth the money for the upgrade.

I have proven in many blindtests that it is easier to get a higher endresult with more expensive cables compared to more expensive amps or sources.

Hearing is believing. This is what counts most. It is that simple!