Audioquest is copied a lot. There are at least 2 Chinese factories who copy these products.
For the Silver cables like Sky, Wild Blue Yonder and K2 they use copper of steel instead of silver.
It has nothing to do with the same material Audioquest uses. |
@ TbG, See, I told you others that do not have the caliber of cables and equipment of the best available will bash you, regardless of their, so called fanatical, I am right, and you are wrong mentality!, They , believe me, Have NEVER have had the exsperience with the cables you have or I have,Welcome to the club TBG, tune all others out!, LOL!, case closed!
Audiolabirynth, I'm not bashing OP! I'm bashing the whole schema and trying to explain by all logical means and I'm the one that being bashed because going against schema isn't easy! How the manufacturer of $xx,xxx.00 cable can be fair to ones manufacturing audio components or even let's say automobiles. One who decide to purchase that piece of scam may likely decide not to purchase new automobile or new refrigerator or anything else! I'm living retailer and that's how I think before making my decision what to pay and certainly who to support. Harmonic or Siltech or similar kind are either last on my list or likely off the list completely to even consider thinking about them. |
These talks about scams are created by all those brands who sell average or even poor quality.
And yessss there are may. In 16 years of time I am in this business I can say; there is a lot of shit on the market. And there is comming even more. So it is getting more difficult to buy good stuff for consumers.
These days many shops are only interested in making the most money. The quality is less important.
I understand the talks about the madness in the world of cables very good.
There is a reason how it is created. This needs to stop. |
Could not agree more. Those tactics to market the audio product are killing audio itself. Most of the newer generation will never spend even remotley close amounts of moeny on this kind of things. they are raised on IPOd sounds. But I guess who cares about future. |
Common Schema: Manufacturer A designed and manufactured cable and sold it for $xx,xxx.00 amount and represent it to clubs and reviewers. Manufacturer B who's never even thought of idea to have $xx,xxx.00 cable decided to repeat the idea, but price his cable a-bit lower and represent it to reviewers. Manufacturer C who've seen a few or several more manufacturers having presented their cables decides to introduce its new line with similar "level" of class. Manufacturer x,y,z,123456789012345678...$%^ places itself onto the same mindset and says why not? I can do same and even that is not end of line! After all above stated a component manufacturers would say why not if it brings that much of the overoveroverprofit and provide the line of their own cables Apperently all you need is just a name and voice to make it happen. It's only 1% or less for overall performance and every of the above listed manufacturers know it. digdigdig. |