Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
Mapman, I thought everyone knew I was now a reviewer. On Audioasylum you have to register as a reviewer, but not on Audiogon. I here of late have put a good deal of money into my system because I really could not do without what I was buying. Of course if I'm buying a product I "support" it.

I am not threatened by your posts. I am irritated with their making so many interesting threads into worthless by this nosense of nothing being worth it. You know that most who have been posting have found something worthwhile and that you cannot undo that. You and others, view yourselves as "scam police." No one appointed you to this.

I asked the question out of sincere concern that no one was interested in reviews of expensive cables. Had I not been so impressed with the power cords, I certainly would not have scraped to buy only a portion of what I need.
That is why audio need to become more open and honest. Shops and shows need to be more precise in what they do and what they use.

Audio is about comparing. The problem is that every single brand is showing often just only their products. One of the other things I often got really annoyed it reading tests about stuff I know what is very average or even poor what is getting very good reviews.

When you pay money or you give a tool to a magazine you get a good and nice review. It has become all about money. This lowers and limits the realistic perception for customers.

I only give other people options. Options are about freedom. I say; listen to this.....

When audio becomes more open and honest more people will buy it and the quality will raise. This is what I want.

I want the shit out of the audio market. Because this is the scam part in audio. The other part is not giving a honest advise. Often it is based on how much money they can earn.

I send my clients to other shops because I want them to get different chnaces. They have the same opportunities as I have. So use them wise. This is all I can say.

This thread is about expensive cables. I can garantee you that there are some which are worth there money. But....there are a lot more that are not worth their money. I see this as a problem.

I understand that some people don't like me. I ask them at shows just honest question's. There need to be more communication.

Every single brand is protecting their territory. Shops do the same thing. I call it shallow thinking. People have to learn to look further in general. In audio there is this need as well.

In the last years I see that audio has getting it more difficult caused by the econmic crisis. But the reactions of those who work in audio is making it even more worse instead of making it better.

The focus is not on giving the best quality, but on how I can get the best most money. I see it and it lowers the endresults. It is short time thinking. Why? Do you really think a client will buy again at you? After time you will not be satisfied, so he won't come back.

I am here to give thoughts to people! When you can proof I am wrong, be my guest and proof it!
I don't mind reviews of extremely expensive cables, gear or speakers, especially if I learn something new about design or materials. What I don't like are reviews that are all hype and don't provide any substance about the design, materials or actual (not pseudo) science behind the product. There is a well known and commercially successful brand of cables with many professional reviews where none of the reviews provide even basic construction details such as the speaker cable wire gauge. There is a new Class D amplifier manufacturer with supposedly great sounding products that will not post or allow pictures of the insides of their amps. Say what you will about a 6Moons audio review but at least they go over the construction of the reviewed item, show detailed pictures of the insides and compare directly with other similar products they have heard. None of us would buy a car without looking under the hood and comparing specifications and construction details so why do "audiophiles" pay as much as a car for cables or gear without the benefit of detailed design/construction information for comparison?
Mitch2, let me take another counter example to your car example. How much information do you have for buying one computer versus another? Yes you get amount of memory, processor speed, size, weight, etc. Do you seek interior pictures or timing of various tasks before buying?

I like 6Moons reviews also, but many audio manufactures will not allow such reviews. I much prefer to discuss the at least plausible explanation of how product X differs. But there are many things that manufacturers consider proprietary information. Would that you deny such manufacturers no reviews or just tell readers to hear this for yourself? In reality advising readers to seek to hear this piece is the only warrented advice, even though few of us can get such an audition. Wouldn't it be great were audio magazines be listening sessions where everyone heard the same thing rather than verbal reviews?