Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
When you read through the different answers on this thread you see that many have their doubts about expensive cables and audio in general.

I understand and their sceptical thoughts are right. What I said earlier; in my personal opinion above 90% ( or even95%)
about every single tool in audio is not worth the money.

What needs to change is that there comes more open and honest information about products in audio for consumers.

The overwhelming amount of audio on the market makes it more difficult to get a good endresult.

The focus need to be on quality and not on the overwhelming amount of shit there is on the market!
So what's so different between Mogami, Demarzzio priced in average $50/m vs. let's say Harmonic Tech priced $5,000?
5xparts+labor does seem to be far far away from $5,000. There's certainly +scam!
Czarivey, You have not been appointed to the scam police; kindly stop acting like you have been. Your logic is faulted by you guess that wire is wire, connectors are connectors, etc. Plus you include no possibility that one would sound better. Again I ask, what is your purpose in posting as you can be sure no one counts you as someone whose opinions matter.
Audiolabyrinth, I merely count him as a poor used car salesman.

You also see why I might ask that question. Some will be interested and some have nothing to do but suggest that they cannot hear well.
i've never said that they sound same. same experiments you can have with even $5 ones depending on which parameters you "dial" using any specific wire brand and even end-up being spent just $5 for one found in flea-market. as previously said by Bo "it's all about system synergy" right?
I experimented between Dimarzio, Mogami and Monster pro audio grades for RCA and XLR and found Silver which is second cheapest line sounded best.