Rogue Speaker cable: Hard to believe??

First, Rogue speaker cable has no connection to the noted Rogue Audio to the best of my knowledge.

Nevertheless, while surfing e-bay, I came across a sale for Rogue speaker cable. It looked like quality built wire, and made many of the same fabulous claims that many speaker cable manufacturers make about their wire. So what could I lose for $95.00 including shipping, (except $95.00) for a single wire 12 ft pair with quality connectors

After, a few weeks of use, I kept looking for an excuse to come to my senses, and look for better cable; but,the cable kept sounding better. Bass was tight,dynamics were remarkable, and overall tonal quality was way above average for this price. Hard to believe!!

On the negative side, fit and finish are not top of the line, one of the banana plugs does not fit securely Sonically, the cable seems to limit the sound stage to the inside borders of the speakers; stage depth is shallow, giving the impression that the musicians are playing on top of each other.

However, the cable is neither fatiguing nor hard to listen to. It sins are only those of omission. But please note.....As good as it CAN SOUND, this wire is not the magic bullet,or wonder cable we all seek like the holy grail so as NOT to spend thousands of bucks on highly touted major speaker cables brands.

Therefore, I am curious if anyone out there has tried the Rogue speaker cable,and come away with a few similar impressions, or should I schedule an appointment for an ear wash!!!
Zd542, I hope you are being facetious??!!#%&

However, I have read on more than one occasion, how the build up of earwax can impede hearing. In my own case, at age 67. I would say it is not that but something called "hard of hearing" Of course, that is a dangerous fact to admit on Audiogon because it can be a disqualifier of any future opinion".... on all things audio...large and small"
I remember the firestorm some years back when someone suggested to a leading audio magazine that they publish the hearing test graphs of all their family doc has me use Debrox weekly, audiophile or not, ear wax can be a nuisance, and if it builds up it does change/impede hearing...
Jl35, Thank you for the confirmation. Now all we need is for ZD542 to "hear" it!!!
Sorry, but I couldn't help but have a little fun. The way you worded it (Washing your ears), just sounds like something you do when you take a bath. I started laughing, hence my poorly understood sense of humor that comes out when I type.

In all seriousness, don't be too quick to go have your ears cleaned. Some peoples ears ring after they have it done. Luckily, I didn't have that problem, but from what I understand, it can be a real issue.
ZD542, I might be getting a bit testy in my old age. Nevertheless, no offense taken.

Good to know about the potential for ringing from de-waxing of ears. (Dr Oz....where are you when we need you??)

However, back on point:... has anyone else tried these Rogue cables advertised on e-bay?? After more listening, I have discovered "the more to like than dislike" equation is kind of evening out.