Essence®gZero6 Speaker Cables

Ive been running these speaker cables for about 3 weeks and they have settled in very nicely, but they do take about 300 hours burn in, during which their "character" changes, but it's well worth the wait.

Combined with the Essence®gZero6 Interconnects they allow my system to achieve a level of performance I had not thought possible with the components that I have.

The first notable attribute is their extension of the low frequencies, providing a much deeper bass register without bloating.

That brings me to their second, but most important attribute - their control. Extending the bass register can often lead to a bloated or muddy presentation, but these cables allow the amp to take complete control of the speakers to provide a very well balanced sound.

They are not too shabby over the rest of the frequency range either, provding a very smooth top end with significantly more detail then my Van den Hul D-352's

Vocals are silky smooth or gritty, dependent on who is singing, but its the details conveyed by these cables which makes these qualities much more noticeable.

Again, combined with the Essence®gZero6 Interconnects they create an extremely wide and deep image which is very spacious i.e. there is a much more realistic presentation of instruments in their own space and they are located very precisely in that image.

They are also very dynamic and articulate - one album that really brought those traits to the forefront is Steve Winwood's Higher Love, It has some very punchy drum work, together with some very deep synth work. with a lessor cable much of the detail is lost.

Perhaps their weakest "attribute" is their looks - for starters, they are quite skinny. You would be forgiven for thinking they are best suited to a pair of bookshelf speaker, but far from it. I have a pair of Gershman Acoustics Sonogram's and they are a full range floor stander's. I have also tried them on Magico V2's. They simply allowed the amp to take complete control of the speaker and allowed it to do what it does best - i.e. move those drivers in perfect harmony!

If you saw these cables on display in a store you would probably walk right by them, or discount them for lack of girth. But then you'd be missing out on an extremely good speaker cable.

Dependent on the type of music you listen to, you might think these cables are colouring the sound. When listening to very "engineered" tracks like POP and R&B the sound can change quite a lot, but on jazz and orchestral tracks their very "natural" presentation with lots of details will reset your ears.

The instrument I thought brought out the very best in these cables was the piano. They just seem to allow those amazing harmonics to effortlessly flow. The bass notes have bags of that low rumbly texture and the high notes have amazingly fast dynamics.

If you want more info on these cables just google "KLE Innovations" to get to their web site.

Their products are available from several select dealers around the world, so check their web site to find one near you.

I have now tried many of the KLE Innovations products and their one outstanding achievement is - THEY WORK!

More to the point - they work significantly better than a lot of the competition.

Back to the tunes
Yping - At this point in time my system is performing at a very high level thanks in large part to all of the cables I have.

For the time being I'm quite happy to enjoy my new found "nirvana" - until I walk into my favourite hi-fi store and get blown away by considerably better sound.

Depending on what kind of music you like, other worthy contenders in the speaker department are the Tannoy models Stirling, Turnberry and Kesington. For something more modern looking - take a look at the Definition range

They don't suit everyone's ears, but for many - they are the last speaker they buy.

I actually prefer the Tannoy's mentioned above much more than the Gap 828, they are better suited to my musical tastes. They convey voice significantly better than most other brands for some reason, and they can handle large orchestral pieces at significantly higher volumes than most, without being fatiguing. They are not perfect by any means - they tend to have a smaller sweet spot for one thing and you have to toe them in significantly more (so I'm told) than most other speakers to get the image depth. But once you have the correct alignment they sound so sweet.

One thing about the Sonograms - they may be Gershman's "entry level", but they should be viewed as a high performing speaker for the smaller listening room, like mine. The differences between them and the Gap 828 are, to my ears, quite small when considering the volumes I tend to listen at. The 828's may be significantly better with a more powerful amp in a larger room and different musical tastes.

So, I don't believe I will not be upgrading any time soon and when I do it will probably be to one of the Tannoy's

Hi Williewonka, interesting that with these cables in your system you do not feel the need to update your components, perhaps just your speakers. Is that correct, because that's is certainly a nice improvement... :)
yping - if I had unlimited financial supply I would upgrade everything.

But right now I have to get my ears acclimated to the new sound, such that any future upgrade will be based on intimately knowing exactly what my current components sound like and where they are falling short.

Until then all upgrades are on hold

I do have a tweak on the TT - upgrade the RCA to the Harmony RCA range

Anyhow - isn't this hobby supposed to be about the music :-)

Yping - I thought I'd provide you with this update....

I finally got around to installing a pair of Pure Harmony onto the silver litz loom on my audiomods tonearm.

The improvement were staggering - yes staggering!!!

The improvements really highlighted how good my system really is - specifically the resolution. It is much finer and bring to the forefront the superb image and spacial accuracy that the system is capable of.

Combined with the Essence gZero6 IC's and SC's, the system now provides superb reproduction of those extremely fine micro details that contribute to realism.

I now know just how good my speakers really are and I don't believe they have reached their full potential.

The one component I might consider upgrading right now is my DAC, which does not match the realism currently experienced from the analogue side of the system.

But the speakers, amp, phono and TT are definitely staying where they are - together with the cables :-)
