Is Audioquest clean and fast?

Thinking of getting some good quality Audioquest King Cobra cables to replace my Harmonic Tech ICs. The HT sound is very pleasing but I'm in the mood for something a bit more clearer and faster with good dynamics. I guess something a little more punchier!

If you have experience with AQ, please describe the sonic characteristics you've experienced with their cabling.
I used KC's from my preamp to 2 Rotel Class D power amps. I find the sound of them pretty good. It is neutral sounding but I like it that way. I find a good balance overall with the KC's. I bought mine used actually from here. I used Diamondbacks for my second setup and find them a great bargain as well. I'm happy with my KC's and was even thinking of moving up to Colorado's at some point to see how these sound. Good luck and I think you can't lose with the KC's in my humble opinion.
The Colombia and Colorado are out of the current list, you can get them for good prices. The dbs72v work great and you will hear the differences easy compared to cables like KC and Diamondback. They are also out of the current list. But still great cabels for the money.
New King Cobra is 50% off retail with free U.S. shipping at Music Direct, while supplies last. Hard to beat at that level of of pricing.

I think you should go for a Colombia or Colorado for a good price. They are better in timing and drive compared to the KC and Diamondback. They also will give you better blacks and a sharper individual focus.
Note: "Timing and drive" used as any sort of audio descriptive terms are meaningless audio hooey. Better blacks? The blacks I get from my KCs are like a dead star sucking the light from everywhere...sort of like Bo1972's comments.