Interconnects Versus Phono Cables

Just getting back into audio after not upgrading anything in the last 20+ years. Replaced a Luxman and older Yamaha equipment (B2/C2, CA2010).

I purchased a McIntosh MA7900 Integrated Amp, VPI Scoutmaster Turntable, Oppo BDP-105 CD/SACD player and Bower & Wilkins 804 Diamonds speakers.

I am using Audioquest Oak’s speaker cables (Biwire).
I have on order the new Audioquest Fire interconnects (XLR) to connect the Oppo and the MA7900. I am currently using AQ Colorado’s (XLR) to connect them.

I am using a set of Audioquest Niagara’s (RCA’s) to connect the VPI turntable and in the process of either buying the Fire’s or a used pair of the Sky’s.

That’s where my question comes in. Until a few days ago I wasn’t even aware that you can buy dedicated phono cables.

The VPI is using a Benz Micro H2 high output MC cartridge. Toward the end of summer I plan on upgrading to a VPI Classic 3 TT along with an Ortofon Cadenza Black MC cartridge and using the moving coil phono stage on the McIntosh.

So should I just keep on my path of getting the Fire’s or Sky’s to connect the Turntable or look into the dedicated phono cable?

I have no interference problems, no hum or anything with my current set up.

What I have considered was Audioquest Wild or WEL and Kimber Kable KS 1216 or KS 1236. I would order it with both ends having RCA connections.

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated or anybody else that has been down this path as well.

I have used many line level interconnects as well as phono interconnects with my VPI table. Some line level interconnects do present some noise issues, hum, etc. However, most line level cables that I have used do not have any noise issues and are as quiet as the phono cables I've used. I suppose that it has something to do with shielding. No phono cable I've used ever has presented a noise issue. So I would say that the odds are you will not notice a noise issue with the other AQ cables, as you do not have an issue now with AQ cables.
Dedicated phono cables are usually a pair of suitable interconnects along with a ground wire, and some are terminated at one end in a DIN connector. In your case with a VPI tonearm you need RCA connectors at both ends. A separate piece of wire can be used to connect the ground (if needed) to avoid hum. Effective shielding is important with ICs used for phono applications in order to prevent any hum pickup with such a low level signal.
"The VPI is using a Benz Micro H2 high output MC cartridge. Toward the end of summer I plan on upgrading to a VPI Classic 3 TT along with an Ortofon Cadenza Black MC cartridge and using the moving coil phono stage on the McIntosh."

I don't see why you are buying cables now. You're planning on selling your TT setup that you just bought. If it were me, I wouldn't be so worried about the cables and try fixing whatever is wrong with your system first. Is any of this stuff even broken in yet?
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