Purist Audio Design

Hi ,
Somebody of you can tell us that it is the difference enters the first Purist 25th Anniversary and new Purist 25th Anniversary Luminist ?
That it is the best in musicality?
Every single brand in cables own their own properties. These properties give a different stage, sharpness in individual focus, depth, width, timbre and even a different overall sound.

Differences in cables are often quite big. I understand that for many people it is difficult to understand which one is better.
ALL cables have a sound you have to find the ones that match your priorities. Some like a black black background, some are more extended on top some more extended at the bottom.
When you are aware of all different parts of a cable you can
use them a lot better in every system. That is why I think and
work in tools. Every single tool ( amp, source, speaker, cable
etc) have their own properties. Totgheter they will create
their own overall sound, image and details.

In over 16 years of time I have done thousend of tests. I do
these tests because I want to know which properties they own.
I use tools to create the best and most complete sound. This
is a totally different way mostother people do in audio. But
it is very effective, and for me extreme easy to compete
against competitors. In almost all situations I always create
a higher endresult.

When you use Purist Audio in your system, you use a brand
which is very complete in properties. I give you an idea.


good luck
From own experience I can only tell about Purist power cords (nothing about their interconnects or speaker cables). I have a pair of Dominus Rev.B pc‘s for my Pass monoblocks with 20 amp connectors. Bought the cables together with the Pass preowned and because there are not many other power cords out there with 20 amp connector I simply kept them and tried no others. But I am satisfied with them. Another PAD 20th Anniversary pc from the wall to my PS Audio Juice bar 2 as a first power „source“ for the whole system. Also truly happy with the sound spectrum (highs, lows, midrange, stage etc.). They don’t sound thin or restraint nor too warm....I‘d say just perfect. As I said cannot comment on their IC‘s or speaker cables....