Cable Recommendations?

Ciao Bella! Looking for some input here. I have Pass XA200 amplifiers, the Pass XP20 pre-amp, B&W 802 Diamond loudspeakers, and my front end includes a computer server, a high-end transport and dcs Debussy DAC. My question is really about new cables. I currently use the TARA Labs Zero and Omega cables in my system. I’ve heard that TARA Labs has actually surpassed these cables with a new series called Evolution? Anyone have any experience with this?
".....09-18-14: Stringreen
All cables sound different with different components ....its an interaction that makes them sound how they sound. You have to audition cables in your own system to hear if they work for you....."


Stringreen nailed it ... point, set and match!
since the op already has some top model Tara labs cables and believes nothing is better for him, why would it not be a fit for the new top two tara labs cables models to be on his system?, I am sure they sound very similiar, I am +1 on the same idea of auditioning cables, However, I am saying that these will likly be the best match!