How to test balance between right and left channel

Does anyone know if there exists a simple straight forward test equipment that can tell me whether the left and right channels of my speakers or amps or preamps or CD are outputting the same level/strength of signal?

Can this be done with the help of a multimeter, if so how?

many thanks.
If your system has the ability to adjust the balance level, I would just do that and enjoy the music, after all, that is what the balance control is there for.
And if no balance control, I have had success in different rooms by just moving one speaker in or out, in both cases by only an inch or two.

But if you want to make sure your equipment is functioning properly than I can understand.
If testing with equipment isn't practical, I would play a mono recording and listen to where the image is centered. Then I would swap cables down the chain to see if the image stayed in the same spot or moved left or right.
You can also play some white noise and use an spl meter. Sometimes if your room is an odd shape or doesn't have consistent lighting, it can be hard to judge. Kind of like an optical illusion.
A Stereophile Test CD has L & R mono tracks if I'm remembering correctly. You will need a sound pressure level (SPL) meter and you should be set. There are also many other tests that are helpful.
SPL meter is probably different from your ears. Since human hearing is almost never balanced perfectly between left and right ear, the surest test is by ear IMHO.

I've spent years trying to discover the source of this problem. Since everything but the room has been eliminated, that must be the problem. Although with left and right volume controls, the problem is easily corrected; like a foolish "audiophile", I still wonder what the source of the problem is.